It’s a big problem when you can’t concentrate. To accomplish any task you have to be able to focus your mind on the right thing at the right time. Here are 3 tips to help you find your way to conscious flow.
Have you ever been at work, just counting the minutes until you can leave, and irritated at everyone who speaks to you? What if we told you that the truth is that most jobs are not all fun and games? Fortunately, they don’t need to be for you to find meaning and even pleasure in them. Let's see what the Buddha says about skillful livelihood.
Suffering sucks. Yet it is inevitable, right? I personally am interested in suffering less, and I thought you might be as well. So, I decided it could be useful to review the Buddha's recommended 8 steps, and see how they might be relevant in our own lives. This is part 1 of our series on The Eightfold Path of Buddhism.
Want to know a super-secret, foolproof method for improving your relationships? You’ll find a clue to the secret in Ed’s story. Ed said, “Since we talked about [how to make relationships better], I’ve been trying to give my roommate at least one compliment a day. It’s been hard because he’s always complaining and he drives me crazy. “First I could hardly think of anything, I mean this guy is...